Privacy Policy

Updated April 24, 2020

Your Privacy

Massimo Zanetti Beverage USA, Inc. (“MZB-USA”) believes that you have a right to know its practices regarding the information, including the type of information, MZB-USA collects when you visit MZB-USA’s websites. The guidelines contained in this Privacy Policy apply to your visits to any website of MZB-USA and to those websites of any of its subsidiary entities (which entities, for purposes of this Privacy Policy, will be deemed included as part of MZB-USA), including These practices also apply to web pages on that contain "" in their URLs but which do not include any redirect URLs that link the user to another internet domain. Other websites which are linked to/from (including those of MZB-USA and of its other affiliate entities, as well as via banner ads) may have different policies; therefore, please review the privacy policy notices on those websites for details.

While MZB-USA does not generally require that you provide MZB-USA with personally identifiable information in order to visit and use any of the websites administered by MZB-USA, please note that in order to participate in some activities, it will be necessary for you to provide this information. If you choose not to provide it for those activities, you may not be able to participate in them.

Collection of Information: Cookies; Personal

For each visitor to an MZB-USA website, MZB-USA's web server automatically recognizes and stores information, such as the visitor's IP address/domain name combination and any referring websites. MZB-USA uses this information to understand visitor traffic patterns through MZB-USA’s websites for purposes such as enhancing their usability. Your computer provides this information automatically each time you log on, unless you have activated the blocking technology available in some browsers.

When you visit MZB-USA's websites or advertisements appearing thereon, or use one or more of the MZB-USA website services, MZB-USA may use an industry-wide technology called "cookies".  This technology stores certain information on your computer and will allow MZB-USA to customize your experience to better match your interests and preferences, or to simply facilitate your signing in to use the services. Most browsers will allow you to erase cookies from your computer’s hard drive, block acceptance of cookies or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. However, if you block or erase cookies, MZB-USA may not be able to restore any preferences or customization settings you previously specified and MZB-USA’s ability to personalize your online experience would be limited. Please refer to your browser instructions or "help" screen to learn more about these functions.

Also, MZB-USA, or third parties on its behalf, may collect anonymous information from visits to MZB-USA’s sites through the use of "Web Beacons". Web Beacons are electronic web page images that enable MZB-USA to record anonymous data about visits to MZB-USA’s sites. This anonymous information is sometimes known as "clickstream data." MZB-USA may use these data to analyze trends and statistics to improve your online experience or customer service. No personal data are collected through the use of Web Beacons on MZB-USA’s sites.

Additionally, MZB-USA may ask you to provide "personal information," meaning individually identifiable information such as your e-mail address, name, mailing address, telephone number, social security number, credit card number or persistent identifier (such as a customer number held in a cookie) which is associated with individually identifiable information to enable you to participate in contests, chatrooms, on bulletin boards, to fill out a registration or to order products and services using any of its websites. MZB-USA may combine the information you provide on MZB-USA’s websites with other information MZB-USA may collect from you offline or from third parties so that MZB-USA more effectively can tailor MZB-USA’s websites, services and offerings to you. If you provide MZB-USA with personal information, you shall have the right, on reasonable prior notice, to inspect, change, amend or delete such information. Instructions on how to update personal information, including how to cause the deletion of any that MZB-USA may have obtained and saved, will be given at the point and time of data collection.

Unless you instruct MZB-USA otherwise, MZB-USA may contact you to provide information about products, services, promotions, contests or other activities or offerings that may be of interest to you. You can instruct MZB-USA whether or not you wish to be contacted for these or any purposes by checking or removing the check from the box indicating your preference, as applicable, at the time and place where your information is collected, or by other means (such as an e-mail request). In addition, with each communication you receive from MZB-USA, you will be given the opportunity to indicate if you do not wish to receive future communications; MZB-USA exercises a great deal of caution in this respect.

Unless it is for the purposes you have requested or originally agreed, MZB-USA will not share the personal information you provide on the MZB-USA websites with any other parties, except (a) with your consent; (b) as may be required by law or court order; (c) to persons or companies with whom or which MZB-USA contracts to carry out the internal operations of its websites or its business; or (d) under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety or property of MZB-USA’s users, the public or itself.

Additionally and with your consent, MZB-USA may share your personal information with any of its affiliated companies (including but not limited to any company of which more than 50% of its outstanding ownership is owned by Massimo Zanetti Beverage Group (“MZBG”), directly or indirectly) which may want to contact you about products, services or other offerings that may be of interest to you. Further, but at all times only with your prior consent, MZBG may share your personal information with specific third parties outside of the MZBG companies who or which may want to contact you about products, services or other offerings that may be of interest to you. Please consult the respective privacy policies of each of the MZBG companies for further clarification as to its own respective privacy policy. MZBG will seek to obtain your consent at the place and time where the information is collected either by an "opt out" or "opt in" method, or by other means (such as an e-mail request). If you consent to receiving communications from any of these affiliated MZBG companies, or third parties, you will need to communicate with them directly if you later decide that you no longer wish to receive their communications. Until MZB-USA advises you, and except as indicated above for the initial decision made with your consent to share your personal information with MZBG affiliates and/or specific third parties outside of the MZBG companies, any changes or amendments to or deletions from your personal information must be given both to MZBG and to each such MZBG affiliate or other company directly, as these changes, amendments and/or deletions will not be exchanged among MZBG and other MZBG affiliates (including MZB-USA) or third parties.

Use and Disclosure of Anonymous Aggregated Information

MZB-USA may also collect, aggregate and maintain anonymous information about the visitors to its websites, such as visitors' hobbies, interests, purchasing habits, music preferences and the like. These data then can be used to tailor MZB-USA's website content and advertising to deliver a better experience for its visitors. In addition, MZB-USA also may share such aggregate information about its visitors with advertisers, business partners, sponsors and other third parties; for example, to inform them about the percentage of male/female visitors or percentage of visitors within a particular age range.


While MZB-USA cannot guarantee that unauthorized access will never occur, MZB-USA takes great care in maintaining the security of your personal information and in preventing unauthorized access to it through the use of appropriate technology and internal procedures.

Notice To/Regarding Children Under the Age of 13

If you are under 13 years of age, you should not provide any personally identifiable information (for example, your last name, home address or e-mail address) on any of these sites and at any time or for any purpose without the knowledge and permission of your parent or guardian. If MZB-USA learns that you are under 13 years of age, MZB-USA will not maintain or use any personally identifiable information about you without the verifiable consent of your parent or guardian, except as allowed by law. This may mean that you will be unable to participate in some activities on the sites without that verifiable consent.

MZB-USA believes that children using the Internet require special protection and urges parents and guardians to explain Internet safety to their children. Parents are urged to spend time online with their children to become familiar with the types of content available on the MZB-USA websites and on the Internet in general. Control tools are available from online services and software manufacturers to help create a safer online environment for children.

If a child under 13 years of age wishes to participate in any MZB-USA website activity or wishes to take advantage of a product or service offering available to children, and to do so necessitates the furnishing of any of the child's personal information, please note the following:  (i) before any collection of a child's personal information takes place at a website directed to children or where MZB-USA is knowingly collecting children's personal information, the child will be asked to provide his/her parent's or guardian's e-mail address. MZB-USA then will send an e-mail (the "Initial Notification") to the parent/guardian indicating, among other things, the information that the child is requested to provide; the intended use(s) of the information; and information on how the parent/guardian can, at his/her election, delete the child's information from MZB-USA's database or records. Upon receipt of the Initial Notification, a parent or guardian may respond back to MZB-USA to grant his/her consent or to deny his/her consent, in which latter case MZB-USA will delete the parent or guardian's e-mail address. Upon MZB-USA's receipt of the parent/guardian consent, MZB-USA will send a confirming e-mail to the parent/guardian's e-mail address and forward the e-mail address of the operator collecting or maintaining personal information from children through an MZB-USA-administered website to: our Contact Us Form, which captures the types of personal information collected from children which  may include the name, e-mail address, home address, telephone number and/or any other information reasonably necessary for the child to participate in a particular activity. This information may be collected directly and/or passively (e.g., through a web server that automatically recognizes and stores information, such as a visitor's IP address/domain name combination) and may be used for purposes such as fulfillment of a requested transaction, record keeping, marketing back to the child or making it publicly available through a chatroom or by other means. Unless specific consent is obtained from the child's parent or guardian, the child's personal information will not be disclosed to third parties whom or which are not contractors hired to carry out the internal operations of MZB-USA websites, other than as may be required by law. MZB-USA has required, or will require, such contractors to agree to use any personal information of its websites’ visitors only for the purposes of carrying out these operations and to keep such information confidential. A parent or guardian has the option of consenting to the collection and use of the child's personal information without consenting to the disclosure of that information to third parties. MZB-USA is prohibited from conditioning a child's participation in an activity on the child's disclosing more personal information than is reasonably necessary to participate in such activity. A parent can review and have deleted the child's personal information and can refuse to permit further collection or use of the child's information and can revoke or limit consents previously given. For instructions on how to do so, please contact MZB-USA at our Contact Us Form.  If MZB-USA desires to use a child's information for a purpose other than that for which the parent/guardian consent was previously given, MZB-USA will not do so without first getting the consent of the parent/guardian for that purpose.

Consent to Processing

By providing any personal information to the MZB-USA websites, all users, including without limitation users in the member states of the European Union, fully understand and unambiguously consent to the collection and processing of such information in the United States of America in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Policy Governs Use; Changes to Privacy Policy

The terms of this Privacy Policy will govern the use and any information collected while it is in place. MZB-USA reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time, so we recommend that you re-visit this page often. In case of any material change, MZB-USA will make a notation near the "Privacy Policy" link on the home page of MZB-USA’s websites. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective at the time they are posted to a site and your continued use of that site after such posting will constitute acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, those changes.

Information for California Residents

In addition to the information provided elsewhere in this Privacy Policy, this section describes the types of personal information that, over the past twelve months, MZB-USA collects, uses and/or discloses (as defined by the State of California), as described fully below.

This personal information is categorized as follows:

    • Identifiers/Contact Information:
      Your name, postal and email address, phone number and unique identifiers that may identify your device or browser but not you by name.

    • Commercial Information:
      Your purchase and usage history and goods and service preferences.

    • Internet/Electronic Activity:
      Your geolocation information, IP address, web/app browsing and search history related to MZB-USA’s business, and information regarding your interaction(s) with MZB-USA’s business or MZB-USA’s advertising.

  • Profile Inferences:
    The inferences that MZB-USA draws from your information and web activity to create a personalized profile so MZB-USA can better identify goods and services that may be of interest to you.

Categories of Personal Information Sold

(as defined by the State of California, effective January 1, 2020).  MZB-USA does not sell personal information about persons.

Categories of Personal Information Disclosed

In the last twelve months, MZB-USA has disclosed the following categories of personal information for a business purpose (such as with MZB-USA’s service providers, which are restricted from using your personal information outside the scope of their services for MZB-USA):  identifiers, commercial information, Internet/electronic activity and profile inferences.

Your Rights

You have the right to make access, deletion and opt out requests as described below. MZB-USA will not discriminate against you for exercising these rights but may offer financial incentives to consumers who affirmatively allow MZB-USA to collect their personal information. To make such a request, please contact MZB-USA at our Contact Us Form.  MZB-USA may take steps to verify your identity before responding to your request.

Access Request

You may make up to two requests per year for information as to:  the categories of personal information that MZB-USA has collected about you or shared for a business purpose with MZB-USA’s service providers; the sources from which MZB-USA collected such information; the third parties with which MZB-USA has shared that personal information; the business or commercial purpose for collecting that personal information; and the specific pieces of personal information MZB-USA has collected about you.  MZB-USA will respond to your request within sixty days unless MZB-USA needs additional time, in which case MZB-USA will let you know.

Deletion Request

You may request that MZB-USA delete the personal information that MZB-USA has collected from or about you. If MZB-USA cannot delete all of your information, MZB-USA will let you know the reason for non-deletion, such as if MZB-USA needs to complete a transaction for you or for a legal reason.

Please contact MZB-USA our Contact Us Form to make an access or deletion request.

Opt Out Request

You have the right to opt out of MZB-USA’s direct marketing purposes. To effect the opt out, please contact MZB-USA at our Contact Us Form. If you wish to receive information about your disclosure choices or stop communications from third parties, you will need to contact the non-affiliated third parties directly.

Do Not Track

Some web browsers (including Safari, Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox and Chrome) incorporate a “Do Not Track” (“DNT”) or similar feature that signals to websites that a user does not want to have his or her online activity and behavior tracked. Not all browsers offer a DNT option, and DNT signals are not yet uniform. Many website operators, including MZB-USA, do not respond to DNT requests or headers from some or all Internet browsers. As described above, MZB-USA may use cookies or other technologies to deliver more relevant advertising and to link data collected across other computers or devices that you may use.



If you have any questions or comments about MZB-USA’s personal information practices or about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact MZB-USA at our Contact Us Form.